Pathgather - next generation learning management system that dramatically accelerates learning within organizations




  • Pathgather is a social learning platform for companies that is fundamentally driven by employees. 
  • Employees are able to share learning resources with their peers, discover and connect with experts in their company, and get recognized for improving their skills.
  • Pathgather has driven a more than three-fold increase in learning activity for its customers, as compared to traditional Learning Management Systems.


  • They have positioned themselves as next generation LMS which accelerates internal learning with a suite of analytical tools and reporting
  • Qualcomm, HBO, TYO, and Choice Hotels are already customers; Qualcomm offering them a platform and advocacy as a good reference
  • 48% of Fortune 500 firms want to replace their LMS and over 60% are dissatisfied
  • The competition is fragmented with a large addressable market to be captured


Came out of TechStars NY Fall 2014 class, considered best prospect within the class according to TechStars MD
Eric Duffy – CEO and Founder
Jamie Davidson – CTO and Founder
Bloomberg Beta – Venture Investor
Contour Venture Partners – Investor
Tigerlabs Ventures – Investor
Palm Drive Ventures – Investor
Jerry Wang – Investor 



Almost every organization recognizes how important continuous learning is to workforce competitiveness, but the tools most companies currently use, known as Learning Management Systems (LMS), have really fallen short. The trouble is that LMS’s are designed to be top-down, manager-driven tools. This type of system works great for delivering compliance courses to employees, but does nothing to foster and inspire the kind of learning that actually impacts employee performance.


Pathgather is a social learning platform for companies that is fundamentally driven by employees. Employees are able to share learning resources with their peers, discover and connect with experts in their company, and get recognized for improving their skills.


Pathgather has driven a more than three-fold increase in learning activity for our customers, as compared to traditional Learning Management Systems.


Pathgather is designed for progressive, F1000 organizations who see continual learning and development as crucial to their present and future competitiveness.



  • Several well known brands as customers including Qualcomm, Walmart, TYO, HBO, Choice Hotels, and Twitter
  • LMS solution for all of Twitter
  • Expanding WalMart rollout
  • Had a conference hosted by Qualcomm in San Diego to showcase product to existing and potential future clients

Pathgather creates a single, unified learning destination for your employees by integrating with your LMS and any other internal or external content source. That means your employees can finally find what they’re looking for, and you get insight into it all.

Integrate with all of your internal and external learning sources, including your LMS.

Search results are personalized to every employee’s skills and interests.

Enable your experts to curate the best resources for the rest of your workforce.

Create public and private learning groups for teams, departments, and communities of practice.

Enable employees to get recognized for what they learn with digital learning transcripts.

Gain a single source of analytics insight into everything your workforce is learning.

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